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Enjoy your guide to the Steamboat Mountain Village, and let us know if we can improve your time here in any way. We are dedicated to promoting shopping, dining, lodging, events and activities happening in the Steamboat base area village.


Friday, September 21st — Sunday, September 23rd

Celebrate Oktoberfest in western-style with the 4th annual OktoberWest September 21st—23rd. All the Oktoberfest traditions with a Steamboat twist, including Rocky Mountain beer, local food specialties and festivities unique to Steamboat Springs.

Don't forget... please walk, bike or ride the free bus to and from the event! All events happen rain or shine.

Oktoberwest Festival Admission FREE
Beef Tasting Tickets $1500 available at the door.
Beer Garden Tickets $2500 in advance, $3000 at the door.     
Includes free tastings.
Buy Now
Beer Garden & Beef Tasting Combo Tickets $3500 in advance, $4000 at the door.     
Includes free tastings.
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Need Lodging? Book the Fall Breakaway Package!     Book the Fall Breakaway Package Learn More


Full Weekend Schedule

Friday, September 21st

Pedaling Posse Parade 5:30pm Lincoln Ave. Cruiser bikes lead the way from Little Toots Park, through historic downtown, and back to Little Toots Park for Suds & Grub
Suds & Grub 6:00pm Little Toots Park Beer tasting and food specials!

Saturday, September 22nd

Gondola Open 10:00am — 4:00pm Steamboat Ski Area Buy one Gondola ticket and it is good for the entire weekend!
Coca–Cola Adventure Zone Activities 11:00am — 5:00pm Base of Steamboat Ski Area 50% off all Coca–Cola Adventure Zone Activities! Try your luck on the mechanical bucking bronco!
OktoberWest Festival 2:00 — 6:00pm Base of Steamboat Ski Area Come enjoy the main event of the weekend at the Steamboat Ski Area. Sample numerous beers and listen to some great live music!
Beef Tasting 2:00 — 5:00pm Base of Steamboat Ski Area Sample delicious beef featuring Steamboat's local chefs. Sponsored by Routt County Cattle Women
Beer Garden Open 2:00 — 6:00pm Base of Steamboat Ski Area Come and taste free samples of some of the best beer the Rocky Mountains have to offer.
FREE Concert 2:30 — 3:30pm Base of Steamboat Ski Area Free concert kicks off with The Mile Markers.
FREE Concert 4:30 — 6:00pm Base of Steamboat Ski Area Free concert featuring Wheeler Brothers
Announcement of Beef Tasting Winners 5:30pm Base of Steamboat Ski Area After a day of eating and cooking, it's time to figure out who is the best chef!

Sunday, September 23rd

Gondola Open 9:30am — 4:00pm Steamboat Ski Area Come take a ride on the Gondola as the Summer Season winds down.
Coca–Cola Adventure Zone Activities 11:00am — 5:00pm Base of Steamboat Ski Area Come enjoy the Coca–Cola Adventure Zone! Jump on the trampolines or try your luck on the mechanical bucking bronco!

OktoberWest kicks off with Suds & Grub, a cruiser bike parade through historic downtown with stops at restaurants for beer tastings and food specials. Saturday's event at the base area is free and geared towards families with tasty food, OktoberWest themed activities, free concerts, a beef tasting and more, plus plenty of regional beers to taste in the beer garden. Bring the whole family to town for this Steamboat–styled fall festival.
